Tuesday 30 May 2017

Have a cool evening :)

2 weeks ago, I was surprised by Radar's Family Album topic, but amazed, because I wasn't expecting (my ignorance) that Al Green's music could be so cool.
In fact, I only had a distant idea of this original version. And as we know, queen Tina Turner turned it very famous 12 years later :)
This live recording shown here has a little jump in the middle but it's very special as you can notice. I'd love to post it together with one of Green's 1st live performances but all of them have very poor quality. Only to have an idea and a comparison of two distante times, here's this example cut 1 minute before the ending.


valerie walsh said...

I have always loved him so much, I have so many songs from him that I listen to often. Love this :)) Have a happy week!

asperezas said...

:D you too :}