Thursday 29 February 2024


June Tabor, a diamond.

Don't Care before Roxanne

So, it looks like before Roxanne, there was Don't Care!
Stewart Copeland had this one-member "band" that had one hit before Roxanne. The similarities in the chorus between the two songs are evident, just as there are many resemblances between this song and other early songs from The Police!

As usual, be my guest and watch all this delicious interview or conversation in the words of Rick Beato, when you can.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Transglobal Underground

I was missing them.
Songs: "Temple Head", 1993

and "LISBON (Soldier Song from Ördöngösfüzes)", 2021

Tuesday 20 February 2024

in love with Tangk

the last album of IDLES, released 4 days ago.

It goes like this:
1. "Idea 01":

2. "Gift Horse":

3. "Pop Pop Pop":

4. "Roy":

5. "A Gospel" - not posted
6. "Dancer":

7. "Grace"

8. "Hall and Oates":

9. "Jungle":

10. "Gratitude" - not posted
11. "Monolith":

And now, live in France some days ago:

Hall and Oates, plus their classic Mother as encore:

we're all born migrants

This is so true, so deep and so beautiful. It has such sound richness that I prefer just to listen without the video. You choose..

A regra não nos carrega
nem faz de nós excepções
Terra cega
Terra em transe
Somos a ruga no mapa
o vento fora do rumo
a fuga fora da rota
o vento fora do rumo

As mãos apalpam o céu
e crescem asas nos pés
De lés a lés
Ó vida que se semeia
Todos nascemos migrantes

Há quem tenha mesa farta
onde a penúria não mata
Mar bravio
Mar macabro
Debaixo do mesmo sol
somos filhos da tormenta
bastardos em fraca barca
com o vento fora do rumo
The rule does not carry us
nor makes us exceptions
Blind Earth
Earth in a trance
We are the wrinkle on the map
the wind off course
the escape off the route
the wind off course

Hands feel the sky
and wings grow on our feet
From here to there
Oh life that is sown
We are all born migrants

There are those who have a full table
where poverty doesn't kill
Rough sea
Macabre sea
Under the same sun
we are children of the storm
bastards in a weak boat
with the wind off course