Sunday 12 December 2010

singing about a motorbike


valerie walsh said...

WOW! i always wonder about this dude! When i was a young printer we helped make an album cover for him. I can remember all the guys in the shop were big time into music, in fact one of the guys Chuck Philips writes for Rolling Stone and The LA Times music section now (we listened to tunes all day while we printed) they idoized this guy and claimed he was the best guitar player ever! I had never even heard of him but they were all very excited about us working for him. This is great! :) I will try to find this album cover...

valerie walsh said...

awesome ;)

asperezas said...

Well you had great colleagues :D
I don't know if he was the best. There were many excellent guitar players. But I always knew him has one of the best ever.
His voice and his compositions make a remarcable and a unmistakable "pack" :-)

valerie walsh said...

i quite agree :)