Saturday 21 November 2009

s u r p r i s e

Coisas que acontecem no contratempo
Não se sujeitam ao consenso
Ficam no fundo
Enquanto o resíduo perece
Sabedorias feitas na manga
Servem ao estado presente
Ficam distintos
Enquanto a maioria embarga
Se a relação do contratempo
E do tempo presente
Não se precisava de viagens cosmóticas
As teorias seriam atendidas
Mas a inteligência limita
a autonomia humana


valerie walsh said...

Love the song! The bunny with headphones is awesome :) we need a translate button.

Pedro Oliveira said...

lovely! :D

Unknown said...

I love the new look! Thanks Val!
I'll come back to listen to the music again

Teté said...

Splendiferous header! :)
(I looked a special word)

Nice music :)

asperezas said...

I have to say i love Lali Puna a lot, specially the last works. From their beginning times this is a fave of mine.
This band is based in Germany but the singer is daughter of the world. She can even sing the portuguese lyrics above made by herself.

Unknown said...

Hi Val,
This is especially for you, "cause you're worth it!" :D (it's already sounding like a Loreal advert and I have not even started yet! :-)))
It's always difficult to translate lyrics, as they are always the product of very creative minds and they don't always make sense (not even in their original language), but this is a fair try (best I can do, anyone who can do better, pls have a go):
Things which happen out of time
are not subjected to agreement
they stay deep down
while the remainder dies
wisdom made on the hoof
Serves the present state,
Stays separate
whilst the majority stops.
If the relationship between reverse and present time came together,
we wouldn't need cosmic trips,
and theories would be listened to.
However, intelligence restricts human autonomy.
Mike read this and his opinion is that unless you have some LSD, you won't get it! :D (he didn't!)

valerie walsh said...

Thank you beautiful Flor! I really appreciate you sending me this special message and please tell Mike that while I was smoking my morning doobie and washing down 2 hits of acid with my coffee I caught the vision :) I hope I meet you both some day xo

Mike said...

AHAHAH! :D :-)))))
I hope so too!
....and Mike is already writing his speech to John, Alice,Lou and anybody else you might care to introduce him too!!! :D
In fact, he's wondering why I didn't get organised to meet you in the summer 08 when we went to california!!! :-))) Mea culpa.....

Unknown said...

Sorry, Val, the last comment was mine (although it could very easily have been his!)
I didn't realise he was still signed in.

valerie walsh said...

I knew it was you and we might be coming to the UK in 2010 so I hope we can connect! John and Mike will have lots to talk about :)

Unknown said...

If or when you come over pls let us know!