Tuesday 11 July 2023

45 years ago, Nina Hagen

Nina Hagen made waves in the late Punk scenario, in 1978 when her 1st album Nina Hagen Band was presented. However, it was a long birth, of course the language barrier was the main reason and it took nine months to get known even by the punk audience abroad. Fortunately, Nina's talent and her enormous irreverence were great enough to cross frontiers.


asperezas said...

- comment for the Portuguese audience -
Há 45 anos, Nina Hagen foi uma pedrada no charco até mesmo no panorama final do movimento Punk. O seu 1º álbum,  Nina Hagen Band, foi apresentado em Fevereiro de 1978 mas, foi um longo parto, apenas no final desse ano começou a tornar-se conhecido internacionalmente. Felizmente, o talento e a enorme irreverência de Nina, foram suficientemente grandes para atravessar fronteiras.  António Sérgio* (quem mais?) foi o 1º a apresentar esta diva.
*António Sérgio: investigador de música nova, jornalista, realizador de rádio, no tempo em que a ridícula expressão "radialista" nem sequer era conhecida e nunca devia ter sido importada.

asperezas said...

the best translation I found of this song
from maluca

Open window presents
Clouds of sparrows, fluttering of heaven
Wind blows, my nose is freezing
And a few exhaust pipes rattle

Ah, then sun is going down
Red, with gold, so it shall be
When I look down onto the street
I remember my acquantaince

Promptly now, my heart is getting heavy
I only need to see birds fluttering
And if my gaze then flies heavenwards
The soul will hurt as well, how nice

Nature in the evening, silent city
Wrenched soul, tears running
All of this makes you mighty weary
And I just keep on whining


Anonymous said...

The song is part of this immense moment of communication. Incredible that this was in 1978! How creative and how interesting, and even actual is this forever performance. It is still such a different way of being.

Thank you for this ..once more..such an excellent high level reminder.

asperezas said...

@ Anonymous, thank you so much for your comment and for your appreciation :)

asperezas said...

Ah! Forgot to leave the translation for the title of the song Naturträne, Tear of Nature, as written by "maluca" in