Thursday 11 August 2022

the hidden story of Supersonic

All music composers write songs with abstract stories mostly related to their hidden personal life experiences. It's the case of Noel Gallagher who made for his band Oasis, two of my favorite songs, "Supersonic" and "Wonderwall".
No one could ever get a clue that he's talking about being himself in a rush to write a song for the day next scheduled for studio recording and there were Elsa having a gas problem. Elsa was a farting doggie. And Noel's friend living "in a corner all alone under a waterfall, where nobody can see him, nobody can ever hear him call" is the constant traumatic memory of Noel himself who passed most of his youth defending himself from his terrifying father's aggressive and noisy behavior. However, Noel is not a saint, he considers himself a "bastard cat" while he thinks that the band's singer, his brother Liam, is a "bastard dog", the guy who acted like the bad guy in the band. Whatever happened with this amazing band, Noel is a great songwriter making some of the most stunning songs ever.
All this information and much more, is available by James Hargreaves in YouTube. James Hargreaves is a musician who is self making Noel and Oasis biographies to the point of Noel considering publicly that James is the "Oasis nerd". Anyway, I stepped accidentally by James channel on YouTube when I was searching for replacements for the gone Oasis videos in this blog. Many old videos were gone due to closing pages, or due to the non supported obsolete FlashVideo. So, hope you all enjoy this long decoding about "Supersonic". It's worth watching, really.

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