Tuesday 12 July 2022

pink moon, 50 years

We'll have the greatest 2022's full moon tomorrow, 13 of July. Not a pink moon, but a super buck moon.
Pink Moon (I posted it here on KoM 12 years ago) is the name of a song and also the title of the last album of Nick Drake, released on 1972, 50 years ago.
Nick Drake was a great composer but a shy, introverted and withdrawn person afraid of acting in a country having world stars like the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bowie, etc. Very little known even in UK, he became finally known worldwide because of this commercial made by Alan Pafenbach to promote the Volkswagen Golf Cabrio in 1999:
I would never post a commercial and that's not the target of this blog. However, and besides of being a great example of a very good commercial, it had this side effect of kicking Nick Drake to his deserved global attention. The song was released as a single precisely on the year 2000, one year after the VW commercial.
 (click twice on Play)
Other songs from the album Pink Moon, Place To Be and Things Behind The Sun:

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