Saturday 29 August 2009


some time ago, I told her goodbye
but now, she's gone forever


valerie walsh said...

I am sad your friend is gone but I hope she is in a wonderful place now :)

Unknown said...

Just back from a long weekend I had the shock and sadness to hear about Olivia. She will never bring you on her motorbike to London so we can go to a concert all together like we had talked about soooo long ago! Music is what we had in common, and I would like to post something for her, but the inspiration right now is gone...

Anonymous said...

I did not know your friend, but I'm with you in yours suffering.

fraternal hugs


valerie walsh said...

i remember :( beautiful song then and now :)

asperezas said...

She showed me this couple and I went to a show of them in Lisbon. They weren't known yet so when I talked to them they recognized immediatly Olivia by her posts about them. And they sign and they wrote some nice words to us as you can see above...
Oh and Olivia was far away and so she listen to almost concert by phone between us...