Monday, 16 May 2016

May, mellow May

May it's been stormy in South-West Europe 'til now.
Now, yes, it feels like May :}
This is a song of freedom, love for life and work.
There are more than 10 covers of this amazing song around the world. Here's the ones I like most with the original at 1st.
Have a beautiful week :)

May, mellow May, who painted you? _ Who broke your incantation never loved you
The day was dawning there in the South _ And a boat was coming from Istanbul.

Always after nap time, calling the flowers _ It was party day. Lovers May
It was singing day _ And a boat was docking far away.

May, with my friend. I wish already now _ Always in wheat month to sing
What matters the sea roughness? _ May your voice not weaken, let's fight.

In a long street, the shepherd-king _ sells the serum of life that kills the pain
Come and see. May was born _ May your voice not weaken, the mob broke.


valerie walsh said...

very, very beautiful! every version :} love this so much!

asperezas said...

:D Great!

Dina/Loengo said...

3 magnificas versoes


asperezas said...

:) olá, Dina!
obrigado pela visita!
Um abraço :)