Tuesday, 26 December 2017


Hand Habits (Meg Duffy) "Sun Beholds Me"

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

No, I'm not crazy :P

Who said a Madonna's song couldn't be nice? (rolleyes)

Thursday, 7 December 2017

good night :)

Lovely song out now but composed one year ago.
Sleep tight :)

Thursday, 30 November 2017

bye, Zé Pedro :'(

Such a wonderful person, but two livers were not enough :/
Thank you so much, Zé Pedro for making the best Portuguese Rock'N'Roll band ever.
Here, with Brazilian band Titans in Rock in Rio.

You think I'm an isolated case. .I'm not the only one looking at the sky. .Watching the dreams leaving.
.Waiting for something to happen
Pouring out my anger. .Living Emotions. .Wishing what I didn't have. .Stuck to temptations
And when the clouds leave. .The blue sky will remain. .And when the darkness unlock. .
You'll see, the sun will shine. .You'll see, the sun will shine
No, I'm not the only one. .I'm not the only one looking at the sky. .No, I'm not the only one. .I'm not the only one looking at the sky. .
You think I'm an isolated case. .I'm not the only one looking at the sky. .Listening to other's advices. .And always falling into the holes
Wishing what I did not have. .Clinging to what I don't have. .No, I'm not the only one. .I'm not the only one looking at the sky
And when the clouds leave. .The blue sky will remain. .And when the darkness unlock. .
You'll see, the sun will shine. .You'll see, the sun will shine

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Day off :P

Spent the Day in Bed ... No bus, no boss, no rain, no train ... No highway, freeway, motorway ... You can please yourself ... Be good to yourself for once

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

closing party 2 :)

KoM 9 years with LCD Soundsystem

closing party

PS: the 1st clip, the amazing live performing of "Tonite" at BBC, cannot be watch in USA. So here's the official studio video with this fabulous song:

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Saturday, 4 November 2017

9 years KoM, the kick off

... with Fugazi :)))

Have a fantastic weekend :)

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

8 years after, All the Moon for "The Wolf"

António Sérgio "The Wolf", loved the Moon and he loved Sintra.
Besides "The name Sintra derives from Cynthia, «Goddess of the Moon», who was worshipped on that mountain range by the Celts" (in meetup).

Also, António Sérgio was the one who firstly introduced the Waterboys in his country.

8 years howling at the Moon, missing "The Wolf".

Monday, 30 October 2017

ode for Halloween

It's your fault, There will be blood, There will be blood on the table.
There will be stains, strange stains on the walls.
Sleep now, while you can. Sleep now, while you can. Sleep now, while you can.
Then you'll run. For your life. Sleep, you have to run later.
You know, darling. It's not me who ... Who wish you evil.
But what is born from the ground, takes longer.
Sleep now, while you can. Sleep now, while you can. Sleep now, while you can.
Then you'll run. For your life. Sleep, you have to run later.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Control C, Control V

Preto no branco
Afiando-me a estas horas
Todo o peso foi embora

Preto no branco
Não tão claro como achava
Tudo o que me contornava

E agora?

Eu já perdi a minha lábia há bué de tempo
Já não pago às pessoas a quem me vendo
Se estou pior, não estou por cá, sei bem porquê
Ouvir a 'Não há amor em SP'

E eu cativo o meu lugar com o meu talento
Já não pago às pessoas a quem me vendo
Escrever ctrl + C ctrl + V
Ouvir a 'Não há amor em SP'

Preto no branco
Escrevo, a tinta não apaga
Ela obrigada
Agradeço a sua farsa

Preto no branco
Tento encontrar o que penso
Sinto-me imenso
Sem fronteira, nada fora

E agora?

Passo a passo paraliso
Mas eu faço o que é preciso

Black on white
Sharpening myself right now
All the weight went away

Black on white
Not as clear as I thought
Everything around me

And now?

I've lost my small talk a long time ago
I no longer pay the people I'm selling myself to
If I'm worse, I'm not here and I know why
Listening to that dark rap song*

And I captivate my place with my talent
I no longer pay the people I'm selling myself to
Writing Control-C, Control-V
Listening to that dark rap song*

Black on white
I write, the ink remains
Thank you, she says
And I thank her her farce

Black on white
Trying to find my thoughts
I feel myself immense
Without frontiers, nothing out

And now?

Step by step I paralise
But I do what it takes
*Brazilian rap song "Não Existe Amor em SP" (There is no Love in São Paulo)

Sunday, 17 September 2017

dark Cash

Johnny Cash made a lot of recordings covering brilliant songs, few years before he died. These two were included in an album released only 10 months before his death.
Like the previous album, this is a very dark and bitter album.
I've posted these clips more than 10 years ago in another place. Somehow, it is time to post them in this blog.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

from a monument, lift

So here's "Lift", the last of the 3 previously unreleased songs from this monument called Ok Computer, out 20 years ago

Kings of Maybe is great fan of Thom Yorke and Radiohead as you can check by the more than 40 posts where you can find the most amazing songs from this album including this incredible "Lucky" (at the bottom) in repeat here in KoM.


Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Pleased to introduce The Warp / The Weft

Quoting them:
-Briars is a new song that has elements of folk rock and psychedelia, powered by amazing spine-tingling, expressive high-register vocals by Shane Murphy.
This song is a dark, haunted ballad that begins solidly in the folk rock tradition but gradually builds into a crescendo assault of rock grit and psychedelia.
“Briars” is by The Warp/The Weft (that’s us!) and is released on Admirable Traits Records, based in Buffalo, NY, USA. “Briars” is a single from the new album “Mapping an Absence,” released at 28th July.

Sorry about posting this clip from another source, YouTube. It is the only possible way to post this song in Blogger.

sleeping in Sahara, take 3


Thursday, 24 August 2017

Some great news!

I have been helping John buy talent for the AnandaFest in Joshua Tree Sept 29-30 and Citizen Cope confirmed today!!! My deepest wish is for Alice Smith and Clarence Greenwood to headline the event but we shall see..  this was a great day :))  One Lovely Day!

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Monday, 24 July 2017

Friday, 30 June 2017

dreaming in stereo

French band singing in Italian and English languages apparently for Sofia Coppola sounding like Julian Casablancas or the Strokes.
Confused? Don't. It's pretty cool :)
Have a safe weekend and a beautiful July :}

Friday, 23 June 2017

Monday, 12 June 2017

the souvenir

A song about young people who had to emigrate to have a job.

The sun has already set on the hill. _ The port is almost empty. _ Cars are crossing the bridge. _ Fog over the river.
This day ends where _ there's no light at town. _ The silence doesn't answer _ if someone saw her in passage.
If I fail to miss you _ you've left in your place _ a souvenir to remind me _ that I'll visit you. _ A souvenir to remind...
Oh woodland, so far already _ give me news from that cold faraway. _ Don't stop to be the bridge _ of this gentil group.
Half the world went to London. _ Mariana went to Brazil _ to take the pitcher to the fountain _ of the thousand waters of April.

Friday, 9 June 2017

everything now

But not yet. From the forthcoming album with the same name, out on 28th of July.

Have a peaceful weekend :)

Saturday, 3 June 2017

OK not OK 20 years

Surely a masterpiece (for some "the" Radiohead's masterpiece) "OK Computer" was released 20 years ago. But this great album still sounds so new, it seems it was made 2 or 5 years ago.
For this 20th anniversary, Radiohead promised to launch 3 unreleased songs for this album.
Here's the 1st one, out a few hours ago with their "paranoid android".
Have a nice weekend :)

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Have a cool evening :)

2 weeks ago, I was surprised by Radar's Family Album topic, but amazed, because I wasn't expecting (my ignorance) that Al Green's music could be so cool.
In fact, I only had a distant idea of this original version. And as we know, queen Tina Turner turned it very famous 12 years later :)
This live recording shown here has a little jump in the middle but it's very special as you can notice. I'd love to post it together with one of Green's 1st live performances but all of them have very poor quality. Only to have an idea and a comparison of two distante times, here's this example cut 1 minute before the ending.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Eurovision: music won again

Eurovision Song Contest once was a festival where some of the most beautiful songs in Europe could compete.
However, many of the best songs could never win due to some kind of mafia ruling the record market.
By the early 70's, the festival turned into a hateful cheesy horror contest of high notes performances wrapped in some fashion rhythm with some few exceptions, like Sébastien Tellier with a song that I've already posted here without mentioning the creepy festival.
Things started to change a bit not only because the record companies are not the kings of the music industry anymore, but also because in this competition there's this new rule of the audience voting. And you can't vote for your own country.
I never ever imagined myself making a post like this. To show you how I hate this festival, I even did not know this song at all.
But this time, music won again.
I made a translation (bellow the 1st clip) of this beautiful song, entirely composed by our (here in KoM) well known Luísa Sobral, to be sung by her brother Salvador.
Here he is, taking his sister to the stage for the final honour encore:

If someday someone asks about me - say that I lived to love you. - Before you, I merely existed - tired, with nothing to give.

My darling, listen to my prayers. - I beg you to come back, to want me again - I know, you can't love alone - maybe sweetly you might learn again. (2x)

If your heart won't wish to give in - feeling no passion, wishing no suffering - without planning whats coming after - my heart can love for us both.

Here's the 1st public presentation of this song:

And here's Luisa singing the same song:

Have a lovely Sunday, have a beautiful week :}

Saturday, 13 May 2017


Have an easy Sunday :}

Saturday, 6 May 2017

from the Lost Music Sessions

So finally someone uploaded the beautiful videoclip that 1stly was officially hosted in Yahoo Music and disappeared forever with the site revision about 4 years ago or something. This is a copy recorded from MTV and hosted in Youtube.
I 1stly posted this clip 9 years ago in another place. It was the take 4 of a series that I called "The Lost Musics Sessions" and I reposted it purposely untitled here in KoM.

For TV broadcasting purposes, the song was shortened in 3 minutes and so, here's it all:

Have a peaceful weekend :}

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Homem ao mar!
Que isso é inundar!
Tens o vento pela frente!
A sorte é quem vai ao leme!
Eu fico cá!

Ao acordar,
mais valia flutuar!
Que esses dias, tão dormentes!
E és só sobrevivente do azar!

Tu só queres chegar a algum lado!
tuuu, só queres chegar a algum lado, (uuuu)

Homem ao mar!
Que a promessa é para pagar!
Levas os filhos na corrente,
é o peso que tu tens de carregar.

Se afundares,
quem me dera não olhar,
ficas suspenso no presente,
com a certeza que caso em qualquer lugar

Tu só queres chegar a algum lado
tuuuu, só queres chegar a algum lado.
E o teu coração navega em contramão
o teu coração navega em contramão
o teu coração, navega em contramão

Leva a bandeira,
carrega o pesadelo,
terra firme só, não vale,
porto seguro é não ter medo

Man overboard!
You're flooding!
You're sailing upwind
Your luck is who's steering!
I stay ashore!

Waking up,
I would rather float.
Those days were so painful,
you're only survival of bad luck.

You just want to get somewhere!
You just want to get somewhere! (oooo)

Man overboard!
The promise has to be paid!
You're taking your sons with the current ,
that's the weight you have to carry.

If you sink,
I wish I don't look.
You'll stay suspended in the present,
with the certainty that I'll marry anywhere.

You just want to get somewhere!
You just want to get somewhere!
And your heart is sailing against traffic
your heart is sailing the wrong way
your heart is sailing the wrong way

Take the flag,
carry the nightmare,
only mainland is not worth it!
Having no fear is a safe harbor.
more about this here

Monday, 10 April 2017

Friday, 31 March 2017

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Saturday, 11 March 2017


Nice dancing song, amazing videoclip.
Upcoming album Silver Eye to be released on March 31.
Have a nice weekend :)

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Moby to close the party :)

Good night, have a nice Sunday, have a lovely week :)

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Monday, 27 February 2017

Friday, 24 February 2017

post-party post for Val :D

He does not scold me , And wants to play always , He's my best friend , I can count on him.
If I don't wake up in the morning , When I have to . He drags my sheets , Looking for a foot to lick.
My dog likes to play with the ball , And to watch me playing video games.
My dog is the most beautiful of all , Smart like no other , Even when life goes wrong , I know he'll always be my dog.
I give him half of my snack , Without my mother watching , I lay my head on his belly , When I want to fall asleep.
My dog likes to play with the ball , And to watch me playing video games.
My dog is the most beautiful of all , Smart like no other , Even when life goes wrong , I know he'll always be my dog.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Dance Birthday Party

The goal of this post with 3 dance songs in repeat (or posted before) is to create a 15 minutes dance party :)
The idea is to have all 3 clips ready to play when we want without waiting to have non-stop chain music :) To have the clips ready to run, start playing all 3 clips at the same time, pause them and put their timelines at 0. And then, start the party with the 1st clip. When the 1st clip starts ending, start to play the 2nd clip at the same time. And the same to the next clip, and so on, as much as anyone wants to enjoy this party in loop :D

Happy Birthday, queen Vallie :}

it's Val's day!

warming up birthday's party :D

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Monday, 13 February 2017

Saturday, 11 February 2017


Beauuutiful song! Where has this been all these last 6 years?

Have a smooth weekend :)

Sunday, 5 February 2017

hold on to

a nice remembrance from Planeta Pop
Have a great week :)

warpaint for the weekend, take 2

Have a pleasant Sunday :}

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Sunday, 29 January 2017

supporting all my friends

with the usual suspect.

Stand firm against crazy traumpresidents
and have a positive week :)

all tomorrow's parties

have a nice Sunday :)

Friday, 27 January 2017

Ladies and gentlemen, Mercy

Mercy is, I can say, a new band from New York consisting of singer-songwriter Mercy Weiss and the musicians Christopher Pellnat and Erin Pellnat.
Mercy Weiss is not only a cute girl but also with very seductive voice and jazzy singing style.
I'm thankful to Christopher for showing me their work and pleased to share it. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

bye, Blue Monday :)

Terranova "Midnight Melodic (Chase The Blues)" 1999
and Portishead "It Could Be Sweet" 1994

Have a nice week :)

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Sunday, 8 January 2017

farewell mr liberty

This man, who left us yesterday, personifies Liberty in all senses and we'll never be thankful enough.
This was his favorite movie of all time:

Saturday, 7 January 2017