Thursday, 20 November 2014

Leonard Cohen with skirts

Angel Olsen. Songs from the last album "Burn Your Fire For No Witness".
"Windows", "White Fire", "Unf—theworld", "lota", "Enemy", "White Fire" (again).

Have a good night, have a nice day :)

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

KoM 6th anniversary

Yes, it's our anniversary. But last Saturday I had the privilege of being in a beautiful and soulful reunion of old anonymous friends in a tribute to the best music promoter we ever knew. Also I had the joy of finding some words of mine printed in the book for him. So I'm still on that spirit and even though I've been so busy, I got inspired listening to some cassettes from his early 90s radio shows that I taped. After all, I owe him most of my musical culture.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

AS 5 years after

"Agora não, que estou a ouvir a missa", disse eu muitas vezes quando tentavam interromper-me durante o "Som da Frente" ou outros programas de António Sérgio.
Curiosamente, AS despedia-se amiúde das suas cerimónias desejando "que o Som esteja convosco".
Nem de propósito, têm ecoado na minha memória os sons de Adrian Borland do início dos anos 80 e do post-punk.
Provavelmente, estão os dois algures como num "reencontro de velhos amigos" "pelo direito à diferença".
"Take care".

"Not now, I'm hearing the Mass," I often said when someone tried to interrupt my listening to "Som da Frente" or other António Sérgio's radio programs.
By the way, sometimes AS left his ceremonies, wishing "May the Sound be with you".
Not on purpose, are echoing in my memory the post-punk sounds of Adrian Borland from the early 80s.
Probably they're both somewhere as in a "reunion of old friends" "for the right to difference". 
"Take care".